I don't want to be sent to a mental hospital again.
Joined on 3/13/24
Posted by Scribbleinred - January 8th, 2025
I hate you, you old faggot. All you ever do was make my life miserable. You're too nosy, too picky, pushy, and never gave me a break. You'd only gave a damn shit when I cried and you didn't wanna look bad. You're a fucking cunt and I wish you have a stroke in the middle of class. I hate you, if I joined a different class I wouldn't think about stabbing myself like fucking meat. I hate you, old raunchy mantis bitch. Everyone in the class hates you, you won't even care if I faded into existence one day would you? You lack respect and empathy clown hog. I hate you I hate you so much.
I won't make it as an adult because of you. Because of your high as fuck standards. The bar is so high I can hang myself on it, I'll never be successful, I'll never be safe, and I'll never be an adult. I hope a hook gets caught in your throat and you choke on it.
Posted by Scribbleinred - January 8th, 2025
Happy 2025. First post of the year. I'm not dead, but I sure feel like it. My life feels like its barley beginning yet I feel like it's ending. During this year I've filled with anger and frustration within my peers. I'm tired of old faggots telling my how to live my life. My body is tired of getting poisoned from thr junk I've been eating to cope with the shit conditions the people above me has set up. The bar is so high I might as well dig and live in the hole, just so I will trick myself thinking there is no standard. My life has been fucked from to back, I can't even enjoy a birthday without knowing my life will inevitably suck later on. There's this interesting collision between "I want to grow up faster to avoid this shit" and "I don't wanna get older because it will suck later". It's been 3 years since I've dealed with suicidal thoughts and I'm suprised I'm not dead at this point. My new years resolution is to not kill myself and that's a low bar. This week is gonna be the worst one in my life. All because that mantis bitch put me in a position I can't handle. I hate her, I wish her throat was slit, I fucking hate her. Anyway, to any of you reading this, wish me luck for this week. It's strange, I want to die but at the same time, I don't. To those who've been lookin at my art, thank you. This helps me feel a little bit encouraged, to keep going. I want to improve myself, I want to survive. I want to live. This week I won't be posting, I'll see you after this week.
Posted by Scribbleinred - December 17th, 2024
Alright I'm not an porn account, I saw this specific peice of a lady in retro valentines art. I thought it would fit my character in particular since she's flirtatious to her bf like that. Please, if you're a nsfw account, don't expect more suggestive stuff like this, I draw depressing stuff (mostly). I drew this cuz characterization ToT.
Posted by Scribbleinred - December 17th, 2024
This is some really old art, but I'm uploading it here since I forgot to upload the thumbnail after the vid lol.
Posted by Scribbleinred - December 5th, 2024
Someone got a gift for you, but they forgot to write their name. I wonder who it's from...
Posted by Scribbleinred - November 27th, 2024
They took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me they took everything from me
Posted by Scribbleinred - November 17th, 2024
I'm so fucking exhausted, I hate how my life is turning out. I can't even enjoy art without getting reminded of pain. Fuck this, fuck everybody, everything that's been created by me, was it worth it? Don't know anymore. What's the point, everyday feels irritating, nothing changes, I don't feel embarrassed for posting this. Just anger, fear, and regret. I can't handle it anymore.
But I don't wanna lose, I'm tired of crying. I just want rest, but that's too much to ask huh? Everything hurts, but I cant loose, I have to keep pushing. I'm not letting them win, I'm not. Don't ask what's wrong, I won't answer